(this page is currently under construction and will be totally awesome)
Electronics manufacturing companies like Texas instruments and Maxim want you to use their components in your design. That’s right, they’re just giving them away. However, there’s a catch (there’s always a marketing angle). It’s the same reason that Microsoft will give out computers to school districts and Tektronics sponsors labs and provides them with damn good oscilloscopes
Take advantage of the deals these companies give you. There is nothing wrong with getting free stuff from these companies, as they make millions of dollars annually and this is a small way for them to get new customers. Try out that new DSP or that hard to find op amp. Maxim sent me a couple of switch bounce ICs that worked perfectly for my sequencer design.
Texas Instruments will be elated that you’re using their chip in your designs.
hi just startd out built myself a workbench and started to accumulate some tools…. as money is tight ive been salvaging components some from old audio products in which ive gained on dpdt footswitch and a couple of potentiometers and aload of capacitors resistors diodes a few op amps …..
im nearly done building my recording studio which i hope to have full of my own pedals/ amps etc i have some of the bigger branded equipment but id like my own brand to be selling aswell…. i dont really know why i wrote to here but the idea of any help from any company would be amazing and they can have a space on my to be advertising doors for the companies that are inside/ helped my studio
i hope a company is willing to help me towards achieving some decent components to work and innovate with.. i pride myself on high standards im goal orientated and hard working this year my inderpendant recording studio will be open and ill be looking to expand and grow my brands/company as much as possible
Great and very useful information.
Thank you.