This short video contains some useful advice on some starting options for building your own guitar pedals! I’m going to give a plug to my tutorial series, where there’s eight videos and they go through etching the board all the way to painting the box. Not only will you be soldering everything onto the PCB, which will give you an introduction to the electronic components, but you are going to be wiring it up as well.
The thing I like about this tutorial the most is that once you get the basic idea of what’s going on you can pretty much go down different paths. You can either become more like a manufacturer, where your focus is on the construction of pedals and how you’re going to make a better made one; or you can focus on the designing effects and electronics aspect. It’s lots of fun experimenting with the many different streams that you can work actually work on.
Hope this video tutorial was helpful and good luck with building your own first guitar pedal!
Thanks for the inspiration! Always wanted to make a transistor based linedriver-:)